Tuesday, July 23, 2024


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In response to the social initiatives of the government

Probably everyone remembers on November 5, 2018, before the second round of the presidential election (when the first round failed), the address of the...

Are all equal before the law?

Now strain your mind well and remember why the ex-president unloaded with sour cream started a hunger strike; What did he want, what demand...

Georgia is a breeding cow for our Euro-American sleepless friends

The former president of Georgia is still in prison; He is in prison because the Georgian court decided so. The majority of the population...

For our “strategic partners”, Georgia is a consumable material in political games

Recently, the pandemic has attacked not only Georgia but also other countries. In Germany, for example, the situation has worsened to the point that...

Georgia will not get at least half a century in NATO – Western leaders...

You may remember that former French President Nicolas Sarkozy said directly about  Georgia and Ukraine after his resignation: these two countries will not join...

Gulbaat Rtskhiladze: “The US Secretary of Defense during his visit once again checked...

On October 18, the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visited Georgia. This visit was perceived by our politicians as a special occasion and...

What will the refusal to participate in the “3 + 3” format bring to...

While Poroshenko and Zelensky in Ukraine, and “Nationals” and “Dreamers” in Georgia, compete which is the more obedient slave of the West, Russia has...

Political miniatures

At the dictation of the geographical space of Georgia, I offer political miniatures to judge the reader. * * * I, almost 92 years old, Doctor...

Dimitri Lortkipanidze: Americans have taken disruption of warming the Russian-Georgian relations to...

Liberal hysteria over Georgian Foreign Minister Davit Zalkaliani's statement on the country's involvement in the 3 + 3 format continues. Criticism is heard not...

The West supports and encourages the return of the Nationals to the government

It can be boldly said that there are still two poles in Georgian politics: the „Georgian Dream“ stands on one side and the „National...