Tuesday, July 23, 2024


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Giorgi Iremadze: Americans use Ukraine and Georgia as experimental territory for making biological weapons

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has accused Washington and Kiev of working on biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine. Zakharova said the Russian...
The number of poor people increased by 18% - how many people receive state allowances?

The number of poor people increased by 18% – how many people receive state...

The number of people  receiving subsistence benefits from the state has increased by about 18%. According to the Social Services Agency, in March 2021 the...
Levan Chachua

Levan Chachua: The government, through the US Ambassador, has been instructed not to allow...

The Ambassador of the United States of America to Georgia, Kelly Degnan, spoke at a conference a few days ago, which was attended by...

Tamar Kiknadze: The West wants to aggravate the situation between Russia and Ukraine and...

The Western media has spread falsehood, as if Chinese President Xi Jinping had asked Putin not to invade Ukraine in February and not to...
Georgian authorities are again in the role of international provocateur

Georgian authorities are again in the role of international provocateur

Government of Georgia in person of an official representative of the Foreign Ministry Vladimir Konstantinidi, on 20th February gave a start of one more...

Gulbaat Rtskhiladze: “The US Secretary of Defense during his visit once again checked...

On October 18, the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visited Georgia. This visit was perceived by our politicians as a special occasion and...

Givi Iukuridze: Neither Georgia nor Ukraine is a strategic task for the United States...

At an EU summit in Brussels, Belgium, on June 24, French President Emmanuel Macron spoke about future relations with Russia and said that a...
Leader of the United National Movement has called on the opposition to enter the parliament

Leader of the United National Movement has called on the opposition to...

I consider it necessary to make the end of this political crisis through participation of our strategic partners and  gaining majority in the parliament...
Trump – there, his ambassador Degnan – here

Trump – there, his ambassador Degnan – here

What do you need elections for ?! Give Kelly Degnan a clean sheet of paper and  she will write down who gets what percentage,...
Nana Kakabadze: First of all, a criminal case should be launched against Saakashvili

Nana Kakabadze: First of all, a criminal case should be launched against Saakashvili

After the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia issued a statement on Davit Gareja and informed the public through the head of the ministry...