Tuesday, July 23, 2024


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Putin: It is natural for former Soviet republics to increase competitiveness by uniting

Putin: It is natural for former Soviet republics to increase competitiveness by uniting

Combining the efforts of the countries of the former Soviet Union will be beneficial for everyone, despite the phobias about the past regarding the...
Nana Kakabadze

Nana Kakabadze: Nazis hiding under the slogan of freedom shake the country and the...

Since the representatives of the so-called opposition have refused to enter the supreme legislative body of Georgia on the pretext of falsifying the parliamentary...
Tamar Kiknadze

Tamar Kiknadze: It is necessary to focus on regional relations, including normalization of relations...

US President-elect Joe Biden, who according to his opponents’ accusation has occupied the post of the  commander-in-chief as a result of a total election...

Are all equal before the law?

Now strain your mind well and remember why the ex-president unloaded with sour cream started a hunger strike; What did he want, what demand...
Leader of the United National Movement has called on the opposition to enter the parliament

Leader of the United National Movement has called on the opposition to...

I consider it necessary to make the end of this political crisis through participation of our strategic partners and  gaining majority in the parliament...
The Chronicle of Announced Slavery

The Chronicle of Announced Slavery

Our government dared and appeared on knees before the American congressmen and started   making excuses what it did, how, and what else it will...
Georgia, Russia, the "Father of Russian Democracy" and its instigators

Georgia, Russia, the “Father of Russian Democracy” and its instigators

I have often said that I am practically in a boycott regime with Georgian TV media. I mostly use Russian TV channels to get...
The west tries with usual scheme to derive benefit from Armenia-Azerbaijan war

The west tries with usual scheme to derive benefit from Armenia-Azerbaijan war

In our neighborhood, unfortunately, war is unleashed. Using modern technologies and technique  - with drones, tanks and anti-aircraft guns, Azerbaijan and Armenia are destroying...
Foreign dept of Georgia has increased d by 230 MIO USD, in one month

Foreign dept of Georgia has increased d by 230 MIO USD, in one month

Georgia's state external debt is growing again. As of October 31, the foreign debt of Georgia made 6,991 billion USD,  i.e. 22 602 MIO GEL....

Nana Kakabadze: This is a declared colonialism of XXI Century

On June 11, the U.S. House of Representatives published an extensive report regarding the current worldwide geopolitical developments , titled as “Strengthening America and...