Georgia’s state external debt is growing again. As of October 31, the foreign debt of Georgia made 6,991 billion USD, i.e. 22 602 MIO GEL. This is by 230 MIO USD in comparison to the previous month indicator. In September, the foreign debt of Georgia amounted to 6,761 billion USD
It should be noted that of 6,991 billion USD, a share of the Government’s debt is 6,737 billion USD. The major creditors of Georgia are Asian Development bank (ADB), International Development Association of the World bank (IDA), and the International bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Georgia’s debt to IDA is 909,480 MIO USD, to IBRD – 1,073 billion USD, and to ADB – 1,415 billion USD S
As to countries, Germany is a leader among bilateral creditors. Georgia’s foreign debt to Germany as at October 31, is 2,278 billion GEL, the second creditor is France by 1,791 billion GEL, and the third is Japan by 703 817 MIO GEL.