Thursday, July 18, 2024


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April 12 is Cosmonautics Day

April 12 is Cosmonautics Day

On April 12, 1961, Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin launched the Vostok-1 spacecraft from the Baikanur spacecraft and was the first in the world to...
The number of poor people increased by 18% - how many people receive state allowances?

The number of poor people increased by 18% – how many people receive state...

The number of people  receiving subsistence benefits from the state has increased by about 18%. According to the Social Services Agency, in March 2021 the...
Should Extraordinary Elections Be Held?

Should Extraordinary Elections Be Held?

It is already the third month that the population of Georgia  looks at a “clownade” of so called opposition; For the third month   people...
Italy's sensational decision - "Phase 2" begins.

Italy’s sensational decision – “Phase 2” begins.

The Italian government is making a seemingly sensational decision. The so-called "Phase 2", which involves the gradual launch of enterprises and the subsequent transition...
Scientists have specified d the death toll from the virus in Wuhan

Scientists have specified d the death toll from the virus in Wuhan

According to new research published in the journal Nature Medicane, the mortality rate caused by SARS-CoV-2 was 1.4 percent in Wuhan. This is much...
Another Experiment on Georgians

Another Experiment on Georgians

At last, we have deserved it  and the first batch of vaccine arrived to Georgia. We have deserved it  because the European suppliers cheated...