Sunday, June 16, 2024


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Kelly Degnan

Chief Editor of “Sakinformi” addresses o the US Ambassador to Georgia, because he believes...

Mrs. Kelly Degnan, What I am going to ask you now, no one in Georgia will dare but me. Not because they have no questions...

Political miniatures

At the dictation of the geographical space of Georgia, I offer political miniatures to judge the reader. I, the Georgian geographical space, protest against the...

What the West was and is preparing and is preparing for us has...

You may remember that during Donald Trump's presidency we wrote many times that the Americans wanted Georgia to start a war with Russia and...
Reality created by politicians

Reality created by politicians

The year 2020 should be a turning point in Georgian political reality. Exactly this year it should appear whether after 8 years of power...

Ray of “Beacon of Democracy” reached even America

Appetite comes from eating, - for this case it is said. As seen Saakashvili is not satisfied any more by the Ukraine with 50-million...
Tamar Kiknadze

Tamar Kiknadze: It is necessary to focus on regional relations, including normalization of relations...

US President-elect Joe Biden, who according to his opponents’ accusation has occupied the post of the  commander-in-chief as a result of a total election...

The Patriarch of Georgia thanked the Russian Patriarch for Sokhumi and Tskhinvali

The Catholicos Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II sent a letter to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulating him on his 75th birthday. “Once...
Georgia ranks third among European countries in the number of prisoners.

Georgia ranks third among European countries in the number of prisoners.

According to the Council of Europe's annual report, Turkey has the highest percentage of prisoners. According to the 2020 Penitentiary Statistics (SPAC), Turkey has the...

Let’s ask the US ambassador who wants to be in power and appoint...

The US recently appointed Kelly Degnan as ambassador to Georgia. Before, we were "unaccompanied" - for almost two years the US had not allowed...
Who is asking and what to voters in Georgia? The important thing is how certain people in Europe and America will wake up

Who is asking and what to voters in Georgia? The important thing is how...

June 29 will be written in golden letters in the history of Georgia, the legislators ordered and the constitutional amendments were "hammered" in the...