Home Georgia 13.3% of borrowers do not repay the loan – how much credit...

13.3% of borrowers do not repay the loan – how much credit is issued in Georgia

13.3% of borrowers in Georgia have overdue the loan repayment period.

According to the statistics of Creditinfo in October 2021, the term from 30 days to 3 years has delayed by  239 202 borrowers, while the number of contracts is 455480. In total, as of October, in Georgia 1,804,560 people has the debt of the financial sector, in total, amounting to more than 30 million GEL. It should be noted that 87.8% of the borrowers come from the banking sector, in particular, as of October, 1,548,465 borrowers have taken loans in the amount of 27.4 MIO GEL  from banks.



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